What’s The Cost Of Converting A Single Garage Door Into A Double?

Are you curious about the cost of converting a single garage door into a double? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Converting a single garage door into a double can provide many benefits, including increased storage space and easier access for vehicles. But before you dive into this project, let’s explore the factors that can influence the cost so you can make an informed decision.

The cost of converting a single garage door into a double can vary depending on several factors. First, you’ll need to consider the size and material of the garage door you currently have. If your existing single garage door is already large enough to accommodate two vehicles, the conversion may be relatively straightforward. However, if you need to enlarge the opening or install a completely new door, the costs will likely be higher.

In addition to the size of the door, other factors that can affect the cost include the type of materials used, such as wood or metal, and any additional features or enhancements you desire, such as insulation or windows. It’s important to get quotes from multiple professionals to compare prices and ensure you’re getting the best deal. So, let’s dive into the details and explore the cost of converting a single garage door into a double!

What's the cost of converting a single garage door into a double?

Source: angi.com

What’s the Cost of Converting a Single Garage Door into a Double?

Converting a single garage door into a double can offer numerous benefits, such as increased storage space and improved accessibility. However, it’s important to consider the costs involved before embarking on this project. In this article, we will explore the factors that affect the cost of converting a single garage door into a double and provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision.

The Benefits of Converting a Single Garage Door into a Double

Before we dive into the cost aspect of converting a single garage door into a double, let’s first discuss the benefits that come with this modification. One of the primary advantages is the increased storage space. A double garage door allows for easier parking of two vehicles side by side, freeing up valuable space in your driveway. It also provides room for storing other items such as bikes, gardening equipment, or recreational gear.

Another benefit is improved accessibility. With a double garage door, you have the convenience of driving straight into the garage without the need to shuffle vehicles or maneuver around obstacles. This can be particularly helpful during adverse weather conditions or when you’re carrying heavy loads. Additionally, a double garage door can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your property, increasing its value and curb appeal.

The Factors that Influence the Cost

Several factors come into play when determining the cost of converting a single garage door into a double. Understanding these factors will help you estimate the expenses involved and plan your budget accordingly.

1. Size of the Opening

The size of the existing opening in your garage wall is a significant determinant of the cost. If your single garage door opening is wide enough to accommodate a double door without significant modifications to the structure, it may reduce the expenses. However, if enlarging the opening is necessary, it will likely involve additional costs for demolition, framing, and installation.

2. Material and Design

The material and design of the double garage door you choose will impact the overall cost. There is a wide range of options available, including wood, steel, aluminum, and fiberglass, each with its own price point. Additionally, customized designs or special features may increase the cost further, but they can also add a unique touch to your garage.

3. Professional Installation

Hiring a professional for the installation is highly recommended to ensure the job is done correctly and to avoid complications down the road. The cost of labor will vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, your location, and the experience of the contractor. It’s worth investing in a reputable installer who can provide quality workmanship and reliable warranty support.

4. Additional Expenses

When budgeting for converting a single garage door into a double, it’s important to consider any additional expenses that may arise. This can include permits and fees, insulation, weatherstripping, and the cost of any necessary electrical or plumbing work. Make sure to allocate funds for these potential extras to avoid any surprises during the project.

Tips for Minimizing Costs

While converting a single garage door into a double does come with a cost, there are ways to keep the expenses manageable. Here are a few tips to help you minimize costs:

1. Research Different Materials and Designs

Take the time to research and compare different materials and designs for your double garage door. Look for options that offer the best balance between cost, durability, and aesthetics. Some materials may offer long-term cost savings due to their energy efficiency or low maintenance requirements.

2. Obtain Multiple Quotes

Get quotes from several reputable contractors in your area. By comparing multiple quotes, you can ensure that you’re receiving a fair price for the installation. Be sure to consider factors such as the contractor’s reputation, experience, and customer reviews in addition to the cost.

3. Plan Ahead

Proper planning can help you avoid unexpected expenses and streamline the conversion process. Consider factors such as the timeline of the project, any necessary permits, and the availability of contractors in your area. Planning ahead will allow you to budget more effectively and ensure a smoother transition from a single garage door to a double.

In conclusion, converting a single garage door into a double offers numerous benefits but also comes with associated costs. By considering the factors that influence the cost, following our cost-saving tips, and planning ahead, you can make the most informed decision for your needs and budget.

Key Takeaways: “What’s the cost of converting a single garage door into a double?”

  • Converting a single garage door into a double can cost between $1,000 to $3,500.
  • The cost depends on factors like the materials used, labor charges, and any additional modifications required.
  • Hiring a professional contractor is recommended for a safe and efficient conversion.
  • Adding a double garage door can increase the value and functionality of your home.
  • It is important to obtain multiple quotes and compare prices before making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you considering converting your single garage door into a double? It’s a popular renovation that can provide numerous benefits. Here are some commonly asked questions about the cost of converting a single garage door into a double.

1. What factors determine the cost of converting a single garage door into a double?

The cost of converting a single garage door into a double can vary depending on several factors. The size of your garage, the type of materials used, and the complexity of the installation can all impact the overall cost. Additionally, if any modifications need to be made to your garage, such as adding support beams or an extended driveway, that could also affect the price. It’s essential to consult with a professional garage door installer to get an accurate estimate for your specific situation.

2. What is the average cost for converting a single garage door into a double?

While the cost can vary depending on the aforementioned factors, the average cost for converting a single garage door into a double typically ranges from $1,000 to $3,500. This estimate includes the cost of labor, materials, and any necessary modifications. Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate, and prices in your area may differ. It’s best to contact local garage door installation companies to get more specific pricing information.

3. Can I convert my single garage door into a double myself to save money?

Converting a single garage door into a double is a complex process that requires expertise in garage door systems and construction. It’s not recommended to attempt this project as a DIY job unless you have prior experience and knowledge in this area. Professionals have the necessary tools, skills, and knowledge to ensure a proper and safe conversion. Hiring a professional not only guarantees a high-quality result but also reduces the risk of potential damage or safety hazards.

4. Will converting my garage door affect the exterior appearance of my home?

When done correctly, converting a single garage door into a double should not significantly impact the exterior appearance of your home. Professionals can ensure that the new double garage door matches the style, color, and design of your existing garage door, maintaining the aesthetic integrity of your home. You’ll have the option to choose a double garage door that complements the exterior of your home, giving it a cohesive and visually appealing look.

5. Are there any additional benefits of converting a single garage door into a double?

Yes, converting a single garage door into a double can offer several additional benefits. It provides more space for larger vehicles, multiple cars, or extra storage. A double garage door also enhances convenience, allowing for easier access in and out of the garage and eliminating the need to move one car to access another. Additionally, if you plan to sell your home in the future, a double garage door can increase its value and appeal to potential buyers.

What's the cost of converting a single garage door into a double? 2

Source: bobvila.com


Converting a single garage door into a double can be quite costly. It involves hiring professionals, obtaining permits, and purchasing new materials. The total expense will depend on factors like the type of garage door, the size of the current opening, and any necessary modifications. It’s important to carefully consider your budget and consult with experts before making a decision.

In addition to the financial aspect, other considerations include the effect on your home’s curb appeal and the potential increase in property value. While a double garage door may provide more convenience and space, it’s crucial to weigh the costs and benefits before embarking on such a project. Garage door conversions require careful planning and budgeting to ensure a successful outcome.

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